TOEFL/IELTS test prep | TOEFL/IELTS tutor| Sapneil Tutoring
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Our expert tutors provide a rigorous yet patient approach to tackling common grammar pitfalls and improving compositional skills. With conversational practice and constructive feedback, we'll help you gain confidence in your spoken English and prepare for success on exam day.

Master English Grammar and Ace Your TOEFL/IELTS Test

Sapneil Tutoring Inc. brinda a los estudiantes la capacitaciĆ³n de preparaciĆ³n para SAT y ACT mĆ”s perspicaz, creativa, estratĆ©gica y efectiva, en talleres de grupos pequeƱos, grupos personalizados y formatos de tutorĆ­a privada 1 a 1 para elegir. Las estrategias y las habilidades de pensamiento crĆ­tico son entregadas personalmente por el propio Sapneil, ningĆŗn otro tutor estĆ” capacitado para brindar las tĆ©cnicas de vanguardia de Sapneil para tomar exĆ”menes. No subcontratamos a nuestros tutores; solo recibe las estrategias de tutorĆ­a altamente calificadas de Sapneil y las habilidades efectivas para tomar exĆ”menes para lograr altos resultados tanto en el SAT como en el ACT.


Con mĆ”s de diez aƱos de experiencia, tutorĆ­a de mĆ”s de 1000 estudiantes y anĆ”lisis de mĆ”s de cien exĆ”menes diferentes, no hay nadie mejor que Sapneil para preparar a los estudiantes para el SAT, ACT, PSAT y otras pruebas estandarizadas. Nuestro plan de estudios SAT y ACT es desafiante, informativo y estĆ” personalizado para satisfacer las necesidades de cada estudiante en particular. La calificaciĆ³n educativa de Sapneil es Ćŗnica y le da una clara ventaja sobre otros tutores: tiene dos maestrĆ­as de universidades reconocidas a nivel nacional y ha tomado varios exĆ”menes estandarizados, obteniendo puntajes en el percentil 90 en todos ellos.


Estas son solo algunas de las muchas habilidades que mejorarƔ a travƩs de Sapneil Tutoring Inc:


- Aprende a leer activamente

- Aumenta tu base de vocabulario

- Aprenda las habilidades gramaticales altamente probadas

- Aprenda y revise los conceptos de aritmĆ©tica, Ć”lgebra, geometrĆ­a y estadĆ­stica mĆ”s comĆŗnmente probados para pruebas estandarizadas

- Aprenda todas las estrategias de matemƔticas, lectura, escritura y ciencias para mejorar sus habilidades para tomar exƔmenes

- Aprenda a escribir un ensayo efectivo de SAT o ACT

- Practica solo con los exƔmenes oficiales de prƔctica SAT o ACT



Excel in English with a personalized lesson plan

Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning a new language. That's why we provide a customized lesson plan tailored specifically to your individual needs. With our patient and rigorous approach, you'll gain confidence in your grammar skills and improve your spoken English through constructive feedback. Get familiar with the exam format and perform at your best with our TOEFL/IELTS Test Prep Services.


Ace the TOEFL/IELTS with confidence

Don't let exam anxiety hold you back. Our rigorous test prep services will give you the preparation and familiarity you need to perform your best on the TOEFL/IELTS. We'll help you identify common pitfalls and misunderstandings in English grammar, improve your compositional skills, and boost your spoken English with constructive criticism. With Sapneil Tutoring, you can ace the exam with confidence.

Master analytical abilities for success

Success on the TOEFL/IELTS exam requires strong analytical abilities. Our test prep services use synonym and analogy questions to develop these skills and ensure you are fully prepared for the exam. With our patient approach, conversational practice, and familiarity with the actual exam format, you'll have the confidence and comfort you need to perform your best.


Ace your TOEFL or IELTS exam with Sapneil Tutoring's personalized approach to English grammar and conversation.

Testing Overview

 The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a widely recognized test that assesses a test-taker's English language proficiency. It is designed for individuals who plan to study, work, or migrate to an English-speaking country. Many US colleges and universities accept IELTS scores as evidence of English language proficiency for admission purposes. The IELTS test also measures English proficiency for professional reasons, such as for healthcare professionals or engineers.

The TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an online test used to measure English language proficiency for academic and professional purposes. Many colleges and universities in the US accept TOEFL iBT scores to demonstrate English language proficiency for admission purposes.

How to Register

 You register for the TOEFL by creating an account on the ETS website. You can also register by phone or by mail.


 You register for the IELTS by creating an account on the IELTS website

Testing Dates

When you're ready to take the TOEFL/IELTS exams, you can schedule it online. Both exams can be taken at a test center or at your home.


The total TOEFL test takes about 3 hours to complete, but you should plan for 3.5 hours, allowing 30 minutes for check in.

The total test time for the IELTS is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

What's Covered on Exam






The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) has two types of exams: Academic and General Training. IELTS Academic can be taken on paper or on a computer at a test center or online from a private location with a stable internet connection. IELTS General Training can only be taken on paper or on a computer at a test center.


Both exam types have the same Listening and Speaking tests, but different Reading and Writing tests. Make sure you prepare for the correct test type.


All IELTS exams have the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections completed on the same day, with no breaks in between them. However, the Speaking test may be scheduled up to a week before or after the other tests. If you booked the IELTS Online exam, your Speaking test will usually take place before your other tests.




You’ll receive four scaled section scores and a total score.


Each section has a score range of 0–30.

These are added together for a total score of 0–120.

Each skill has four or five proficiency levels, so where your score falls within that range tells you your proficiency for that skill.




IELTS results are reported on a 9-band scale. They are designed to be simple and easy to understand.


They are reported as band scores on a scale from 1 (the lowest) to 9 (the highest).


All formats of IELTS use the same scoring system.

The Sapneil Difference

When you select Sapneil Tutoring for your student's test preparation, you get

  • personalized 1-on-1 private tutoring sessions

  • exclusive access to Dr. Sapneil's tried and tested strategies and cognitive skills

  • a tailored learning program

  • an e-learning platform

  • supplementary assistance as per your requirements


This way, you can rest assured that your student will receive the best possible test preparation.

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