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Our customized programs cater to Florida Virtual School, homeschooling, and all other distance-learning programs. We offer group and 1-on-1 programs that supplement your teaching on an as-needed basis. From elementary school to high school, we provide proctoring for tests and guide your child through standardized test prep, the college search, and application process. Trust us to build a strong foundation for your child's future learning.

Customized Homeschooling Tutoring to Help Your Child Thrive

Sapneil Tutoring Inc. offre aux étudiants la formation de préparation SAT et ACT la plus perspicace, créative, stratégique et efficace - dans des ateliers en petits groupes, des groupes personnalisés et des formats de tutorat privé individuels au choix. Les stratégies et les compétences de réflexion critique sont personnellement dispensées par Sapneil lui-même, aucun autre tuteur n'est formé pour transmettre les techniques de pointe de Sapneil en matière de test. Nous ne sous-traitons pas nos tuteurs ; vous ne recevez que les stratégies de tutorat hautement qualifiées de Sapneil et des compétences efficaces en matière de test pour obtenir des résultats élevés à la fois sur le SAT et l'ACT.


Avec plus de dix ans d'expérience, le tutorat de plus de 1000 étudiants et l'analyse de plus d'une centaine d'examens différents, il n'y a personne de mieux que Sapneil pour préparer les étudiants aux tests SAT, ACT, PSAT et autres tests standardisés. Nos programmes SAT et ACT sont stimulants, informatifs et personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins de chaque élève en particulier. La qualification pédagogique de Sapneil est unique et lui donne un net avantage sur les autres tuteurs : il est titulaire de deux diplômes de maîtrise d'universités reconnues au niveau national et a passé divers examens standardisés, obtenant tous un score dans le 90e centile.


Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des nombreuses compétences que vous améliorerez grâce à Sapneil Tutoring Inc :


- Apprendre à lire activement

- Augmentez votre base de vocabulaire

- Apprenez les compétences grammaticales hautement testées

- Apprendre et réviser les concepts d'arithmétique, d'algèbre, de géométrie et de statistiques les plus couramment testés pour des tests standardisés

- Apprenez toutes les stratégies en mathématiques, en lecture, en écriture et en sciences pour améliorer vos compétences en matière de tests

- Apprenez à rédiger un essai SAT ou ACT efficace

- Entraînez-vous uniquement avec les examens de pratique officiels SAT ou ACT



Customized support for your homeschooling needs

Homeschooling can be overwhelming, but with Sapneil Tutoring, you don't have to do it alone. We offer customized programs and a wide range of teachers and services to meet your specific homeschooling needs. From elementary school foundations to college prep, we're here to help every step of the way. Say goodbye to the stress and hello to success with our tailored support.


Empower your child's learning journey with confidence-building tutoring sessions

At Homeschooling Tutoring, we understand the importance of confidence in a child's learning journey. That's why our customized programs incorporate confidence-building techniques into every session. Whether your child needs help with building a strong foundation or navigating the college search process, our expert tutors will provide personalized support to help them reach their full potential. Trust us to guide your child towards academic success and confidence.


Unlock a world of learning with our custom portal

Homeschooling can be challenging, but we make it easier with our online custom portal. Access a wealth of learning resources to supplement your teaching and help your child excel in their studies. From elementary school to high school, we've got you covered with tools for standardized test prep, college search and application process, and even proctoring for tests. Give your child the gift of education with our custom portal today.


Invest in your child's education and future success with Homeschooling Tutoring at Sapneil Tutoring.

Homeschooling 101

More parents are now choosing to homeschool instead of sending their children to public or private schools. Learn more about the homeschooling movement and what's involved when parents educate their kids at home.

What Is Homeschooling?

Why do parents choose to homeschool? In what regions are homeschools most popular? Homeschooling is a progressive movement around the country and the world, in which parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, including dissatisfaction with the educational options available, different religious beliefs or educational philosophies, and the belief that children are not progressing within the traditional school structure. The homeschooling movement began growing in the 1970s, when some popular authors and researchers, such as John Holt and Dorothy and Raymond Moore, started writing about educational reform. They suggested homeschooling as an alternative educational option. According to the National Home Education Research Institute, there are now more than two million children being homeschooled in the U.S., with the percentage rapidly increasing by 7 percent to 15 percent each year. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and in many foreign countries.

What are the requirements?

Legal requirements for homeschooling in the U.S. vary from place to place. Some states have few or no requirements; others ask for portfolio reviews or standardized testing at certain intervals. According to Holt, author of the best-selling book Teach Your Own, the most important thing parents need to homeschool their children is "to like them, enjoy their company, their physical presence, their energy, foolishness, and passion. They have to enjoy all their talk and questions, and enjoy equally trying to answer those questions." For the majority of parents who homeschool, the only prerequisite is the desire to do so, along with a dedication to the educational process.

How do parents get started in homeschooling? Do parents need an education degree or educational background?

In almost all areas of the country, parents do not need an education degree to homeschool. Those with young children who have never attended a traditional classroom can begin a home education program when their child turns school age. At that time they will start adhering to the requirements in their particular state. The process is slightly different for parents who have kids in school already and then decide to homeschool. They must first write a letter of withdrawal to the school principal or local superintendent. The letter should describe the parents' intent to remove a child from school to begin homeschooling. After the notification, parents continue to follow their district's specific guidelines.

Does the state fund any homeschool programs?

Government-funded programs vary widely from state to state, but the majority of homeschooling families fund their children's studies themselves. In certain areas, enrollment in a state-based program is optional. In that case, the state pays for specific resources in exchange for the homeschool meeting certain requirements to remain in the program.

 Is there a network of parents who homeschool? 

Homeschoolers in most states and regions have access to an array of resources and social networks. In addition to forming co-ops, in which families group together to have classes, there are social events such as lectures, field trips, art classes, music instruction, sports, and playdates.

What are the ways parents homeschool kids? How are kids of different ages homeschooled together?

Families that homeschool often combine certain subjects that are not necessarily grade- or age-specific, such as history, literature, and the arts. For example, children of various ages might study the same historical time period together, and then be given assignments that reflect specific age and ability. For studies in other subjects, such as math and reading, a homeschooling parent might tutor each child one-on-one to meet the student's individual needs. Meanwhile, depending on each child's age, the other students may be working on solo assignments or playing in another room.

What happens if the parent is sick?

One of homeschooling's biggest advantages is the flexibility it offers. A sick parent can still ensure that the most essential aspects of the day's work get accomplished, providing instruction from bed if necessary. Group work that requires the sick parent's direct involvement may be cancelled for the day, but the parent could still supervise any individual work the child needs to do -- like penmanship or reading beside Mom in bed. In two-parent families, both parents can contribute according to their schedules.

What resources and curriculum do homeschooled kids use or follow? What kinds of subjects are taught?

The rapid increase in the number of homeschoolers has resulted in a wide variety of available curricula and resources. Catalogs are filled with a plethora of options based on different educational philosophies, learning approaches, the amount of time a homeschool teacher should devote to daily instruction, and so on. Subjects typically taught include the standard disciplines followed in a traditional school program as well as those that capitalize on the child's interests. In his best-selling book The Element, Ken Robinson writes that "the key to [educational] transformation is not to standardize education, but to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual talents of each child, to put students in an environment where they want to learn and where they can naturally discover their true passions." A homeschooling atmosphere provides a natural setting in which parents can deliver an individualized method of instruction that matches the child's unique interests, ability, and learning style.

What is a typical homeschool schedule? Do homeschoolers follow traditional school hours or do they structure days differently?

Homeschoolers organize their days in whatever way works best for them. Many begin their schooling early in the morning, as in a traditional school, but some opt to make less distinction between "school" and "home." If a child gets excited about a science experiment before bed, some parents follow the child's enthusiasm to see where it leads -- this becomes part of the school day as well. The educational philosophy a homeschooling family chooses will significantly influence the structure of their days. Most of us are familiar with only one style of education -- the traditional system of textbooks, desks in rows, and standardized testing -- but a wide array of educational philosophies exists. These methods include Waldorf, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, classical, leadership education, interest-led learning, unit study, and more. Homeschool families have the freedom to blend ideas that best meet their children's needs.

Do homeschoolers follow the public school calendar year? Are homeschooled kids more behind or ahead than public school kids?

Homeschoolers have complete freedom over the structure of their school year. Many follow the traditional school calendar, some school year-round, and others take off during specific weeks when they need breaks. One of the advantages of homeschooling is that students can progress according to their own temperament and timetable. In a study done by the National Home Education Research Institute, homeschoolers had an average standardized test score in the 87th percentile, compared to the average score in the 50th percentile by children in public schools. They could, however, be several grades ahead in certain subjects but behind in others.

How do homeschool kids move ahead? Do homeschooled kids receive homework? How do they receive objective grades?

In many ways homeschooling lessens the need for traditional homework often required by schools, particularly for elementary school-age kids. Without 20 or more children in one class, schoolwork can often be completed in a shorter time frame during the school day, eliminating the need for extra work afterward. Acting as a one-on-one tutor, the parent-teacher constantly observes the children as they learn. This direct observation allows a parent to keep track of a child's proficiency or struggles. Assignments are then tailored accordingly. Homeschooled children, especially as they grow older, often attend more traditional classes, giving them experience in completing more typical homework assignments. Some public schools allow homeschoolers to attend certain classes that they choose. As they get older, homeschooled kids may enroll in community college classes and begin their college studies early. Although grades in certain subjects are not always needed, many families do administer graded tests, some through computer programs. The homeschooling environment allows children to progress at their own pace until they have mastered the necessary materials.

Do homeschooled kids need to take standardized or state-mandated tests in order to move to the next grade or to "graduate"? How long does homeschooling last?

A number of states require standardized testing at specific intervals; others don't. Some families prefer to have their kids tested to ensure that the children are progressing academically. Other homeschoolers believe there is no need for such testing until a child reaches high school. Homeschooling can continue until a student graduates and enters college. Families may choose to homeschool throughout their children's education, or they may do so for only a few years before transferring their kids back into a mainstream school system. Most colleges are beginning to take note of homeschooling's popularity. Even Ivy League universities have recruited and accepted homeschooled graduates.


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