GMAT prep | GMAT tutor| Sapneil Tutoring
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Ace The GMAT With Personalized Study Plans and Expert Guidance

Our customized study plans are tailored to your individual needs, helping you track your progress and identify areas of weakness. With multiple exam simulations and experienced tutors who have aced the GMAT themselves, you'll be fully prepared to excel on test day.

Why the GMAT exam is so important?

GMAT Exam is accepted by more than 7,700 programs at over 2,400 business schools

How do you stand out from the crowd?

The GMAT exam helps business school candidates stand out during the admissions process. Schools know that candidates who take the GMAT are serious about earning a graduate business degree. They also know it's a proven predictor of a student's ability to succeed in the classroom. A competitive score can even provide more scholarship opportunities. Some business schools have a waiver for the GMAT exam making the entrance into that school - test optional.

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What is the overview of what is covered on the GMAT Exam?

The GMAT exam is 2 hours and 15 minutes long (with one optional 10-minute break) and consists of 64 questions in total:
Quantitative Reasoning: 21 questions, 45 minutes
Verbal Reasoning: 23 questions, 45 minutes
Data Insights: 20 questions, 45 minutes

What are the exam features?

The GMAT gives you control of your testing experience with test taker-friendly features and flexible score sending options.


What about the question review and edit tool on the GMAT Exam?

The Question Review & Edit tool gives you more control over the answers to your questions by allowing you to edit responses later in each section. With this tool, you can spend less time on questions you’re unsure about, knowing you can go back to these responses and update them.
Here is how it works:

As you move through a section, you can bookmark questions that you would like to review later. When you have answered all questions in a section, you will proceed to the Question Review & Edit screen for that section.

Note: If there is no time remaining in the section, you will NOT proceed to the Question Review & Edit screen and you will automatically be moved to your optional break screen or the next section (if you have already taken your optional break). Each Question Review & Edit screen includes a numbered list of the questions in that section and indicates the questions you bookmarked. Clicking a question number will take you to that specific question. You can review as many questions as you would like and can edit up to three (3) answers.

What is the select selection order?

You can answer the three sections in any order, giving you a more personalized testing experience. You can also take your optional 10-minute break whenever you choose: after the first section, or after the second. This means you can adapt the exam to exactly how you’ve
prepared for it, giving you more opportunities to perform at your best.


What is flexible score sending?

You can select which schools you want to receive your free score reports after you've taken the exam, knowing exactly how you performed. This means you can focus on taking the test without worrying about your score going to school yet.

How are detailed score results delivered for the exam?

Within 1-3 days* of completing the exam, you will receive a detailed Official Score Report that provides deep insights into your performance across the exam, including (but not limited to):
Performance by Section, Performance by Program & School, Performance by Content Domain (subject area), Question Type, and Skills, Time Management

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What is the scoring breakdown of the GMAT?

The GMAT Total Score scale ranges from 205 to 805, and all Total Score values end in a 5.
Section scores range from 60 to 90.

Total Score:
Score range: 205-805, Score intervals: 10, Standard error of measurement: 30-40 points

Quantitative Reasoning Score: Score range: 60-90, Score intervals: 1, Standard error of measurement: 3 points

Verbal Reasoning Score: Score range: 60-90, Score intervals: 1, Standard error of measurement: 3 points

Data Insights Score: Score range: 60-90, Score intervals: 1, Standard error of measurement: 3 points

What is your unofficial score?

Immediately after completing the exam, your unofficial scores for the Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights, as well as your Total Score are displayed on-screen. You are not allowed to record, save, screenshot, or print your unofficial score. You will receive an email notification when your Official Score Report is available in your account.

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What is the score penalty for unanswered questions?

There is a penalty for not completing each section of the exam. If you do not finish in the allotted time, your score will be penalized reflecting the number of questions unanswered. Your GMAT exam score will be the best reflection of your performance when all questions are managed to be answered within the time limit.

What is the privacy information for score and score reports?

GMAT exam scores and personally identifiable information will be released only at your specific
request, except as otherwise outlined in our policies and procedures as required by law, and as necessary to detect or prevent unlawful activity or to cooperate in a judicial or governmental proceeding.


Ace the GMAT and secure your dream business school with Sapneil Tutoring's tailored test prep services.

Testing Overview

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is the standardized test that business schools use for admission.

How to Register

To take the GMAT you must schedule an appointment. There are three different ways to do this:


- Use the GMAT website to register online.


- Call a central registration number: 1-800-717-GMAT, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT

- Call the test center directly. A current test-center list is available at the GMAT website.

Testing Dates

The GMAT is administered year-round on weekdays. It is possible to schedule a GMAT appointment within a few days of registration, but during the busy fall semester, test centers may have a backlog of several weeks.


The entire test is taken on a computer and lasts approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

What's Covered on Exam


Note: In a CAT (Computer-Adaptive Test), multiple-choice questions are chosen dynamically based on your ability level as you progress through the test. This means that each test-taker will have a unique test experience. For the GMAT, each multiple-choice section has a pool of questions with varying levels of difficulty.


Each section starts with a moderate difficulty question, and the computer adjusts the difficulty of the subsequent questions based on your responses. If you answer a question correctly, you will receive a more difficult question, and if you answer incorrectly, you will receive an easier question. This process continues until you finish the section, at which point the computer will have a precise assessment of your ability level in that subject area.


During a CAT, only one question is presented at a time, and you cannot skip, return to, or change your responses to previous questions because the computer scores each question before selecting the next one.


The GMAT score report includes five different scores: Quantitative score, Verbal score, Overall scaled score, Analytical Writing score, and Integrated Reasoning score. 


The Quantitative and Verbal scores are each on a scale of 0-60. 


The Overall scaled score, which is the most important score, is based on the Quantitative and Verbal scores and is on a scale of 200-800. 


The Analytical Writing score ranges from 1-6, and the Integrated Reasoning score ranges from 1-8. 


While all scores are important, the Overall scaled score is the most widely recognized and considered by graduate schools during the admissions process.

The Sapneil Difference

When you select Sapneil Tutoring for your student's test preparation, you get

  • personalized 1-on-1 private tutoring sessions

  • exclusive access to Dr. Sapneil's tried and tested strategies and cognitive skills

  • a tailored learning program

  • an e-learning platform

  • supplementary assistance as per your requirements


This way, you can rest assured that your student will receive the best possible test preparation.


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