College fairs is a great opportunity for students and their parents to connect with college
representatives. These college fairs allow for numerous colleges to be represented and for a
vast number of attendees to opt-in. You are given the opportunity to attend presentations on
updated information about the colleges or talk with a representative. Talking with a
representative has its benefits as it shows you have an interest in that school and can gain you some points in the admissions process. You must sign up for these fairs using your real name and email to ensure that you meet the benefits.
These college fairs are offered in-person and virtually. In-person college fairs will be taking place in the following locations: California, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
When attending these in-person fairs, below are a couple of tips to keep in mind:
● Go over the list of colleges that will be attending. You should pick 10-12 colleges that fit
your needs as far as program, size, and location. It is best to pick colleges that aren’t
close to home as those can be easily visited.
● Come prepared with questions you may want to ask a representative.
● When talking with a representative, it is best to introduce yourself first including your
name, school, and city.
● Dress appropriately.
● Arrive early and remain professional when meeting with different college representatives.
Ask them for their name and business card.
● Take notes.
Virtual college fairs will allow families to attend through an online setting in the safety of their
own home, away from COVID, allowing them to learn about over 600 colleges. The first virtual
fair of the year will be taking place on January 30. More dates will be taking place in February,
March, and April. Below are some tips to keep in mind when attending;
● Familiarize yourself with the platform the virtual fair is being presented on.
● Dress nice and have an appropriate background.
Pay attention to start times for the presentations and take notes.
Register: https://www.nacacattend.org/fairs
Find out more information about college admissions, our programs, or on our student-exclusive scholarship program by visiting our website: www.sapneiltutoring.com
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