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Early Decision, Early Action, and Rolling admissions: All You Need to Know

Writer's picture: Sapneil ParikhSapneil Parikh

There are many factors that come with the college process and many things to consider when

applying. After zeroing in on your top schools it is time to determine when you will be applying and what is best for you and your application. Most schools have an option to do different types of Early Action or Early Decision which allows the student to apply earlier then general admissions. Before choosing make sure you know every detail and obligation towards each option when applying.

Early Decision (ED)

Early Decision is a binding agreement that causes students to 100% attend the school they

have applied to no matter the price or other school options. If applying through ED make sure

that it's the school you can guarantee that you would like to attend no matter the cost or any

other options that may be presented later on. If you are not admitted through ED admissions

there is no need to stress, your application would most likely be pushed into regular admissions depending on the University. This would mean that your application is not binding anymore.

Early Decision II (EDII)

Early Decision II is for the most part the same as regular Early Decision other than EDII having

an extended deadline. Usually the deadline for this application is January 1st or the 15th so

make sure to double check depending on your school. If you have been denied from regular ED then you may be able to still apply to other universities through EDII. Most students have a

higher chance of getting in if applying to either one rather than students in regular admissions.

Early Action (EA)

Early action allows students to apply to their top colleges without a binding agreement and still get to hear back early. Most applications will start opening in the end of October towards the beginning of November, so make sure to keep a lookout. EA is good for students who have specific schools in mind and want to apply and know as soon as possible without anything restricting them to one specific school.

Restrictive Early Action (REA)/Single choice early action(SCEA)

Restrictive early action or single choice early action allows the student to apply to one specific

private school letting them know that this is your first choice. Although you let them know it is

your first choice this is not a binding process. You're still able to apply to as many other colleges as you want in order to compare your options.

Regular Decisions (RD)

Regular Decision is where most students apply to as many schools as they want and have no

binding or any restrictions towards their application. RD opens at a certain time and has specific deadlines for each school so be sure to do your research. After hearing back you must decide by May 1st just like any other application process other than ED.

Rolling Admissions (RA)

Rolling admissions allows students to apply anytime throughout the year until the spots for all

first years are completely full. Many different schools use rolling Admissions which opens

August 1st and gives students a couple months to hear back. It is good for any students looking to apply as early as the summer before your senior year or as the end of your senior year.

Guaranteed Admissions

Guaranteed admissions allow students who meet certain academic requirements and test

scores to have a guaranteed spot at that specific university. Students must still apply, but will

most likely hear back earlier then most.

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