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New Relaxed UC Admission Requirements: What Students Need to Know | COVID-19 Series

Writer: Sapneil ParikhSapneil Parikh

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and its many restrictions, UC admissions have decided to become test-optional for this admissions cycle (2020-2021). What this means is that rather than focusing on SAT/ACT scores, UC schools will be viewing a student’s application for their extra-curricular activities and focus strongly on a student’s admissions essays. Due to many high schools allowing for pass/ fail rather than traditional grades colleges/universities will also be placing less importance on an incoming student’s GPA. Although one essay consisting of 650 words doesn’t seem like a lot of space to express yourself through multiple drafts and assistance from teachers, parents, and community leaders it can be achieved. In these essays, a student should try and show how they will benefit the universities they are applying for and how they would greater achieve the specific goals of their chosen college/university.

Admissions deadlines for UC schools such as accepting an offer remain as May 1st for freshman students and June 1st for transfer students. However, a request for additional time or deferment of deposit can be made by contacting the campus admissions office directly. For an in-depth look at the UC admissions requirements visit the University of California admissions or give a call to the UC admissions department where they will be happy to answer any and all questions presented. The UC schools have and will try their best to adjust to this incoming year’s freshman and transfer students and aid their process in any way they can.

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