The Statistical World at the University of Miami
Exploring the Probability and Statistics Track
● Discover a range of courses like "Introduction to Probability and Statistics" and "Statistical Analysis".
● Ideal for students eyeing careers in actuarial science.
● Core mathematics courses paired with specialized statistical ones.
Advanced Online Opportunities
● Dive into the online Certificate in Data Management and Statistical Analysis.
● Master tools such as R and Python in courses covering Quantitative Research Methods and Applied Multivariate Statistics.
Florida International University’s Statistical Spectrum
Undergraduate Statistical Foundations
● Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciences with a Statistics major.
● Hands-on training to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
● An accelerated track to earn both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
Graduate-Level Statistical Exploration
● Master of Science in Statistics: A blend of theoretical and applied statistical study.
● Specialization options in Biostatistics/Environ metrics and Reliability Analysis/Quality Control.
● Thesis and non-thesis paths with a comprehensive curriculum.
Faculty Expertise and Collaboration
● Faculty engaged in diverse statistical areas.
● Contributions enhancing FIU's national and international standing.
Palm Beach Atlantic University’s Mathematical Journey
Mathematics with a Statistical Twist
● A Mathematics major woven with Christian values.
● Opportunities for hands-on research and practical applications.
● Potential inclusion of statistical methods within the curriculum.
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Florida Locations:
Miami, Coral Gables, Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Miami Beach, Aventura, Coral Springs, Pinecrest
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